This section of my website used to be dedicated to triathlon training, personal race results and certification reviews, like Turbo Kick. I am expanding it to include more generic health & fitness topics. Also, I talk a lot about "D" -- he's my husband (Dave Liu)!

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Why I Teach Group Exercise

I have not worked out in 3 days.

Monday: a well deserved day off since I did the Treasure Island (Sprint) on Sunday.

Tuesday: D was going out of town for the next two days so I felt I needed to be home to spend time with him (never mind that he went to lift weights at the gym).

Wednesday: I intended to go swimming but it was raining and I worried about getting cold.

Thursday: Thank goodness I teach a regular cardio kickboxing class on Thursdays! Otherwise, I would have found some other pathetic excuse to skip my workout.

My kickboxing class was exactly what I needed. It was a much bigger class than usual since a bunch of new participants came to try my class. They had a lot of fun and thanked me after class. It boosted my confidence significantly and has officially exorcized the bad mojo from my awful subbing experience. I think my participants increased my psychological wellbeing more than what I did for their physical health. I'm baaaaaaack!

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