This section of my website used to be dedicated to triathlon training, personal race results and certification reviews, like Turbo Kick. I am expanding it to include more generic health & fitness topics. Also, I talk a lot about "D" -- he's my husband (Dave Liu)!

Monday, December 08, 2003

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)

I was a little sore yesterday from Saturday's weight workout with Margaret. Today was worse. All my muscles ached and felt tight. It's called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

I was in dire need of stretching. What better way to loosen up those muscles than yoga? I recently found a free evening yoga class at Page Mill Y. The instructor is none other but my step mentor, Terri!

Terri teaches fitness yoga. She concentrates more on the physical aspects of yoga rather than mind-body/meditation. We did some traditional standing poses (e.g., Warrior I, II), partial Sun Salutations, etc. - exercises that provided a suitable blend of balance, strength and flexibility. It was the perfect way to detox after a weekend of punishing exercise.

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